How do you set privacy settings for shared content?

Access the privacy settings for your content by navigating to the Content board and opening the Share tab.

Locate the privacy settings section and click on the gear icon to initiate configuration.

You have the option to make your content publicly available, which makes the content accessible to the general public without any restrictions or limitations. Viewers will not require special permissions, credentials, or login information in order to access and view the content.

If you desire to enforce limitations on the audience who can access your content, you have the ability to adjust the privacy settings to private. Within this setting, you can choose from the following options:


A. Lower Security:

Option 1: Make Storied experiences available to anyone, but require them to enter their email address (allowing you to collect email addresses and identify viewers).

Option 2: Make Storied experiences available only to specific email addresses or domains designated by you (e.g., or the entire email domain). However, this option does not require email verification to ensure ownership.

B. Higher Security:

Option 1: Make Storied experiences available only to specific email addresses or domains (e.g., or the entire email domain). When individuals enter their email addresses, a verification link is sent to their inbox for immediate access. Clicking on the verification link confirms ownership and grants immediate access.


Anyone who possesses the designated password can gain access. Please note that this method is not considered highly secure since passwords can be shared with anyone.

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